Functioning Of CGRF:
  • The office of the Forum receives the Complaint from the Consumers and issues acknowledgement immediately.
  • On receipt of the Complaint, the Forum shall ask the concerned officer for submitting their reply within 20 days, with a copy to the Consumer.
  • After the receipt of the reply of the respondent, if the Consumer is satisfied on the action taken by the Respondents, the Forum will not conduct any hearing.
  • If not satisfied with the reply of the respondent, the CGRF will conduct the hearing within 30 days.
  • With the deposition of Complainant, the Forum shall issue final orders to the Complainant within 45 days i.e. from the date of receipt of Complaint as per rules and regulations of TGERC.
  • Compensation will be adjusted in the Consumer's future bills, if any lapse of Dept is seen, as per guaranteed standards of performance of Schedule-I & II.
  • CGRF, while conducting awareness programmes to the Consumers at the District or Divisional Level, Section Level, Complaints shall also be received and hearing of the registered Complaints, pending, if any will be held.
Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum
  • The Forum is conducting "Electricity Consumer Courts" Upto Mandal Headquarters, i.e., Section Offices besides conducting hearings in the respective Offices every month.
  • The 'Forum' consists of four Members including the Chairperson, Member (Technical) Member (Finance) and Independent Member, who is familiar with Consumer affairs, nominated by the Hon'ble TGERC of a registered Consumer Organizations.
  • The 'Forum' is functioning independently and impartially without allowing any scope for 'doubt' and pointing out the mistakes of the officers of the Licensee and settling all grievances concerning electricity.